Monday, 9 April 2012

Monday 9th April 2012

About Me
Firstly, let me tell you something about myself.  I’m 59, married with two grown up daughters and stay in Wormadale, Whiteness.  I have lived in the West Side all my life apart from 13 years spent in Orkney during my school years.

I am a Chartered Architectural Technologist and have been involved in the local building and construction industry in Shetland all my working life.

I have been a partner in a Lerwick based architectural practice since its inception 27 years ago and if elected I intend to leave the firm and become a full time Councillor.
I have been interested in local and national politics since my school days and have been an active member of the local Liberal Democrat party and am at present vice-chair of Tingwall, Whiteness and Weisdale Community Council which I have served on for the last 14 years.

I have thought long and hard about standing for election but I feel that my business experience together with knowledge of the area and my involvement in the community can contribute to a new council.

Many issues will dominate the next Council but the following three, in particular, are going to be very difficult and divisive.

Spending Cuts
I am very concerned about the size of the proposed spending cuts and the speed with which they are to be implemented.  We are in danger of wrecking our economy and driving people from Shetland.  I believe it would be better to draw prudently from our reserves in the short term in order to stabilise our economy now.  What use is a huge reserve that leaves Shetland with a weak, fragile economy and a falling population?  Whether we like to admit it or not, Shetland has come to rely on a council-run economy and until that changes the Council has a responsibility not to pull the rug from under it but try to support it over these testing times.

How can we consider closing Junior Highs when Curriculum for Excellence isn’t clear?  Having secondary pupils away from home between eight and nine hours a day or living in a hostel in Lerwick from the age of twelve is unacceptable.  Proposed hostel charges will create a two tier educational system and will set a precedent for other charges to be applied.

Primary schools in Shetland West are unsuitable for amalgamation principally due to their geographical locations.  Parents and children in many communities have been placed in a state of constant fear and alarm for many years due to yet another education review with school closures hanging over them.  Rural community sustainability and children’s safety and comfort must be a priority.  Bussing five year olds over single track roads that the Council propose to grit less in winter is unacceptable.  There will be an inevitable drift to the Central Mainland if out-lying schools are closed.  Consideration must also be given to what happens to existing buildings.

Viking Energy
This has been the most divisive issue I can ever remember in Shetland.  Some people relate it to being like oil coming to Shetland.  That’s nonsense.  For a start the sheer visual impact of this far exceeds anything the oil industry built and Shetland wasn’t asked to put a huge amount of money at risk.  The massive scale of the project is intimidating to the communities of Aith, Weisdale, Voe and Nesting and people are naturally worried about their health and also what it may do to the value of their properties.

In the first place there should have been a Shetland-wide referendum. I had hoped that the Scottish Government would have at least called for a public enquiry and I am disappointed but not surprised at their decision.

I fear that if this goes ahead and an interconnector cable is built it will trigger landowners setting up smaller wind farms everywhere which will further blight the landscape.

As previously mentioned those are only three of the issues which a new Council will have to contend with.  There are many more like the governance of the Council, the make-up of a new Charitable Trust, the provision of social services, transport, housing, contract procurement  and our future in Scotland to name but a few.

Over the years Shetland seems to have lost confidence in its ability to do things for itself and if elected I would hope to contribute a good common sense and transparent approach to these issues and try and maximise local resources so as not to see our money haemorrhaging out of our Islands.

I can be contacted at:

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